Celebrating Excellence: Rod Welch Distinguished Lectureship Fund Welcomes Dr. James Kaper and Dr. Harry Mobley

Dr. Rod Welch, former Chair for the Dept. of Medical Microbiology & Immunology.

The Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison proudly presents the inaugural speakers sponsored by the Rod Welch Distinguished Lectureship Fund. On Friday, September 6, esteemed university professors Dr. James Kaper and Dr. Harry Mobley will share their research seminar titled “Molecular Pathogenesis Studies with My Colleague Rod Welch, Ph.D.”

Established in honor of the distinguished scientist, administrator, and educator, Dr. Rod Welch, the lectureship fund stands as a testament to his extraordinary legacy. Dr. Welch’s illustrious career at UW-Madison began in 1982, culminating in his tenure as Chair of the Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology—a role he held with distinction for 21 years until his retirement, earning the title of Professor Emeritus.

Under Dr. Welch’s visionary leadership, the Department flourished, evolving into one of the nation’s premier hubs for microbiology and immunology research. His unwavering dedication to excellence and tireless efforts to nurture talent have left an indelible mark on our institution and the global scientific community.

The establishment of the Rod Welch Distinguished Lectureship Fund symbolizes our heartfelt gratitude and profound respect for Dr. Welch’s unparalleled contributions. By endowing this lectureship in his name, we ensure his legacy endures, empowering us to invite trailblazing individuals who are shaping the future of science.

The Rod Welch Distinguished Lectureship Fund embodies a commitment to excellence, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge—a legacy that Dr. Welch has embodied throughout his remarkable career. As we celebrate this momentous occasion, we pay tribute to Dr. Welch’s enduring legacy and reaffirm our dedication to fostering intellectual curiosity and academic excellence in the field of medical microbiology and immunology.

Join us on September 6 as we embark on a journey of discovery with Dr. James Dapper and Dr. Harry Mobley, honoring the legacy of Dr. Rod Welch and celebrating the spirit of scientific inquiry that defines our department.