Diversity is a source of strength, creativity, and innovation for UW–Madison. We value the contributions of each person and respect the profound ways their identity, culture, background, experience, status, abilities, and opinion enrich the university …
Department News
Bruno Martorelli Di Genova Featured on Morgridge Research Institute Website
MMI Fellow develops new model for parasite study by Ruth Brandt, Morgridge Research Institute Bruno Martorelli Di Genova wants to eliminate the use of cats in the study of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, and the results of his …
Andrew Garfoot Receives Hartwell Foundation Fellowship
Andrew Garfoot, a postdoc in Laura Knoll’s lab, received a Hartwell Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship which will start 8/1/19 and end 7/31/21. The fellowship is titled “Identifying novel vaccine and treatment targets for chronic stage Toxoplasma gondii”.
Dr. Knoll Research Featured in The Atlantic
A Groundbreaking Study Is Good News for Cats—And People Researchers studying the cat-poop parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, made a breakthrough that will spare a lot of felines from research. ED YONG, The Atlantic Of the many …
Drs. Gumperz and Kalan Awarded Pilot Projects
Jenny Gumperz was awarded an UW Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Human Cancer Virology Program pilot project. Her grant titled “Testing the EBV-anti-Gal Hypothesis” has been awarded for 4/1/19-3/31/20. Dr. Gumperz is lead PI with co-PI Dr. …
Liang Lab Hiring Postdoctoral Research Position
We are seeking highly motivated individuals for postdoctoral positions in the laboratory of Dr. Yun Liang in the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, UWSchool of Medicine and Public Health. Our laboratory is interested in understanding the molecular …
Graduate Student Katie Bultman Receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Graduate student Katie Bultman has been awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. The fellowship is awarded to individuals in the early stages of their graduate study, who intend to pursue research-based graduate studies in science, technology, engineering, …
Postdoc Positions Available in Sauer Lab
Funded postdoc positions studying Host-Microbe interactions in the Sauer Lab: The Sauer lab at the University of Wisconsin Madison is looking for highly motivated post-docs to join our team studying bacterial-host interactions and how these interactions …
Lindsay Kalan Wins SMPH Wisconsin Partnership Program Grant
The Wisconsin Partnership Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health has awarded four grants through its New Investigator Program. One of the grant recipient is Professor Lindsay Kalan! This grant program …
MMI Faculty and Research Staff Receive Research Grants
Over the past few months, several Medical Microbiology & Immunology faculty and students have been awarded research grants for their outstanding projects and work. Grants are extremely competitive and we want to congratulate everyone on …